Monday, February 27, 2012


Seperti biasa I just can't wait to share (what is wrong with me ?.. absolutely Nothing !!.. hehe).. selalu tak sabar... =)

Pix of the unfinished Kerawang (pending carving & sanding & painting) on a half-oval backdrop base.. :))

Material : Styrofoam

Bunga felt

This is how turqoise & pink felt flowers look like... softie & I just luv it... ♥ ♥ ♥

Material : of course felt.. :))
Size : 6"
Size : 1ft
Rows of felts flowers ♥
Terima kasih Rose for the order... *wink wink... :))

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Pelamin frame

So, here's the end result... It can be single or double or triple & etc... :))

Size : 8' x 4'
Material : Styrofoam with plywood base
Colour : White

Thank you again Z for your continuos order & trust... =)

Backdrop base

This is actually meant to be a frame but before we cut out the middle base, we thought that cantik juga kalau dijadikan backdrop base ni... =)

So, here's the snap of it... *wink wink...

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Kerawang Roman

For me this is sweet... Kerawang Roman or Roman Frame, ada kelainan sedikit dari normal ukiran kerawang. Match kan dengan bunga2 lily white colour & green leaves will create an elegant & romantic kind of mood.. =)

Sharing pix here... but still in progress lagi ni as it comes in a set of 3 pcs...

Size : 8' x 4'
Material : Styrofoam with plywood base
Colour : White
boleh digunakan in both ways, upside down ~

Thank Q Moon, hope u will love it... ♥

Monday, February 13, 2012

POKOK for pelamin

Latest trend for pelamin deco sekarang is POKOK... *wink wink... kinda sweet kalau kena gaya of decorating it... =)

Sharing pix of the POKOK which is actually still in progress of kekemasan & etc.. (just can't wait to share.. hehe)

Size : 8' x 4', thickness : 4"
Material : Styrofoam with plywood base
Colour : White or any colour

Terima kasih Zag for your trust in us... =)

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Sireh Junjung

"Dijunjung datang disambut hajat
dulang berukir tepak peminangan
persudikan santap sirih beradat
pusaka bangsa zaman berzaman"

Sireh junjung untuk pertunangan menggunakan fresh flower yang ditempah oleh Ikmal sebagai hantar tanda.. =)

Selamat Bertunang buat Ikmal & Lin ♥